Title: Try Again Fandom: Glee Written: May, 2011 Rating: PG Words: 1673 Summary: This time, Blaine thinks he's golden when he wants to serenade someone in public. He just didn't count on someone else using his crush on Jesse St. James to their advantage.
Title: Badass Babysitter Fandom: Glee Written: January, 2011 Rating: PG Words: 1850 Summary: Mr. Schuester needs a babysitter for his daughter. Puck volunteers. Notes: AU; Terri and Quinn pulled off the baby swap and Will never left Terri.
Title: Blaine is NOT a Fish-Person Fandom: Glee/Doctor Who Written: December, 2010 Rating: PG Words: 1100 Summary: It's all Rory's fault that Blaine finds out about Kurt's time as a time-and-space traveler. Also that the Doctor interrupted his first ever time making out with his boyfriend. Thanks, Rory.
Title: Adios Fandom: In the Heights Written: November, 2010 Rating: PG Words: 800 Summary: Fairy tale endings have never been part of Usnavi's life. He was a fool to think the bodega would last long, anyway. Notes: A farewell story in response to In the Heights' Broadway closing notice. MONDO ANGST.
Title: Facebook Fandom: Glee Written: July, 2010 Rating: PG Words: 2000 Summary: A follow-up to "Broadway Geeks" that chronicles Rachel and Kurt's wall-to-wall on facebook after Kurt leaves NYC. Notes: Read this first.
Title: My Boyfriend is Pluto Fandom: Glee Written: July, 2010 Rating: PG Words: 1800 Summary: Kurt is visiting Jesse in LA and wants to go to Disneyland. Jesse, who's embarrassed that he works there as Pluto, hasn't told Kurt about his job, but they spend the day there anyway.
Title: Soccer Shorts Fandom: Glee Written: July, 2010 Rating: PG Words: 2400 Summary: Mike comes to glee practice wearing his soccer uniform, and Kurt likes what he sees.
Title: First Night Fandom: Glee Written: July, 2010 Rating: PG Words: 3000 Summary: It's Finn's first night back at the Hummel household after he blows up at Kurt. He can't sleep, so Kurt stays up with him.
Title: I Kind of Love Sinatra Fandom: Glee Written: July, 2010 Rating: PG Words: 1900 Summary: Mike makes absolutely certain that Kurt is his dance partner for their new glee number. Kurt is confused.
Title: Kurt's on Broadway? Fandom: Glee Written: July, 2010 Rating: PG Words: 2000 Summary: Kurt gets cast in the most recent revival of Hair. And then Rachel becomes his biggest fan.